In the spirit of Vatican II, All Saints Parish is an open and welcoming Catholic Christian Community, joyfully grounded in the Eucharist that strives to live the Gospel call to holiness and justice and loving service to all.
Mass: Saturday: 4 PM, Sunday: 9 AM and 11:30 AM
Join our live-streamed masses and other parish presentations here
Our Radical Welcome (Video)
We welcome you ALL: All women, men, trans-persons … single, married, …divorced, … or if … “it’s complicated!” … those who are filthy rich, dirty poor, no hablo Ingles … pia karibuni wote ambao wana sema kiswahili … au kirwanda … kifrench! There is a place for you if you are over 50 - but not yet grown up or a teenager growing up too fast…
To hear the full welcome…play the video
Weekend Liturgies: Saturday: 4:00pm (Traditional Music)
Sunday: 9:00am (Gospel Choir) & 11:30am (Contemporary Music & African Choir)
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday: 3-3:45pm
Daily Liturgy: Monday – Friday: 11:30am
Recitation of the Rosary: Tuesday: 4:00pm – in the Tomczak Room (in church) Stations of the Cross: Fridays following 11:30am Liturgy (in church)
Taizé Prayer: Wednesdays March 5, 12, 19, 26; April 2, 9 & 16– 6:30pm (in church)
Thursday April 10 – hosted by The Spiritual Renewal Center (in All Saints church)
Daily Reflection Booklet: Not by Bread Alone by Daniel P. Horan, OFM. Copies available in church.
Lenten Faith-sharing/Book Study Groups: All are invited to participate in one of four Lenten Faith-Sharing groups…….
An Item of Interest
A Manifesto Against For-Profit Health Insurance Companies — by Michael Moore
I hereby give you my Oscar-nominated Documentary on the Killer Health Insurance companies like United HealthCare —SICKO — for FREE… and let’s end and replace this so-called “health care system” NOW - Michael Moore
Breaking News
Breaking News
“1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture.”
NEXT SUNDAY, Mar. 16 – 1:30-4pm: What if the word “homosexual” was never meant to be in the Bible? The Taskforce is pleased to present “1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture.” This multi award nominated film and winner of “Best at Fest” at the Palm Springs International Film Festival 2023, is a feature documentary that follows the story of tireless researchers who trace the origins of the anti-gay movement among Christians to a grave mistranslation of the Bible. It chronicles the discovery of never-before-seen archives at Yale University which unveil astonishing new revelations, and casts significant doubt on any biblical basis for LGBTQIA+ prejudice. The film will be shown in All Saints church. The run time is about 1 hr. & 30 mins. Refreshments will be provided. All are Welcome! Spread the Word!
Nominations remain open for service on our Pastoral Council. Any parishioner may nominate themselves or any other(s) from the Parish to serve on this Council, which acts as an advisory body for the Pastor and the Parish. Nominees will join in a gathering for discernment on Sat. Mar. 15 from 10 to 11:30am, in the Staff Office. It is anticipated that the Council will meet on a quarterly basis – with dates still TBD. Nomination forms are available in the back of church and can be placed in the Collection basket, given to any Staff Member or made at the Office: 315-472-9934 from 10am to 2pm Mon-Fri. Contact Fr. Fred, Meg or Michael if you have questions. Please prayerfully consider nominations to this important service to our Parish Community. Thank you!
All are invited to share their prediction of when we will be FREE of snow and ice on our Parish Campus! For a donation of just $1.00, folks can submit their prediction of the DATE we can officially declare winter to be over! Our Chief Meterologist, Fr. Fred, has been authorized to declare the date when all traces of snow and ice are – finally – gone! Proceeds will be split (50/50) between whoever’s prediction is closest to that date and our Parish’s Gardens and Lawn Care Fund. If multiple participants predict the same date, the winner will be determined by a drawing. Forms and a box for submissions are in book of church. In considering your prediction, keep in mind the snow pile at the south end of our parking lot – which was over 8 feet high when this photo was taken last Wednesday!! DEADLINE FOR PREDICTIONS IS TUESDAY, APRIL 1.
A Conversation with NYS Senator
Fri., Mar. 21 – Noon: A Conversation with NYS Senator and local resident, Rachel May. An opportunity to hear from our Senator, voice concerns about the current political climate and consider actions we might take moving forward. (in All Saints church)
Screening of “The Ride Ahead”
Sun., Mar. 23 – 2-4pm: Diverse Abilities Taskforce screening of “The Ride Ahead” a documentary chronicling the journey of a young man into adulthood as he looks to move out, find love, and have a career, all while living with a disability. The event includes a discussion with filmmakers Daniel and Samuel Habib. (in All Saints church)
As we join our nation in celebrating the presence and contributions of women, our Womens Taskforce will use this opportunity, in solidarity with Catholic women around the Globe, to emphasize the significant presence – under recognized and under appreciated as it may be – of women in and to our Church.
The Care for Our Common Home Taskforce reports that we now have TWELVE FULL Solar Panels totally paid for! There is still time to donate in honor of memory of a loved one: $350 for ¼ of a panel, $700 for ½ a panel, or the full $1400. Smaller donations also welcome, and the Care for our Common Home Taskforce will match those donations up to $1400. We welcome other offers to match donations. Donates may be put in the weekend collection, made by mail, in person at the Office, or online at our website. Please make sure checks designate that they are for the Solar Panel Project. THANK YOU!!
Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical ministries assist with the sacred experiences at All Saints. They include planning and execution of the liturgies and the beautification of the church. Roles for parishioners include the Eucharistic Ministry, Lectoring, Altar Server, Alter Linen Angels, Environment Decor, Greeters, Holy Sewers, Ushering, Weekend Hospitality and as part of the multiple Music Ministries.
Outreach Ministries
The outreach ministries include support for our local community, including local food pantries, homeless shelters, nursing homes and prisons. They also also reach out globally, through ministries in Villanueva, Nicaragua and Karare, Kenya.
Faith Formation for Children/ Youth
All Saints has a variety of Faith Formation programs that focus on prayer, service, content of our Catholic Christian faith, and the development of community.
Faith Enrichment for Adults
Our faith life is constantly evolving and growing. Our Faith Enrichment program reaches out to those who want deeper understanding and knowledge of our Christian Catholic Faith.